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first post

originally posted on 2024-07-19

tags: [coding, personal, portfolio-dev]
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this is my first post. wow.

honestly, ive been thinking about making something like this for a while. id like to start by acknowledging some people that have inspired me to build this. then, ill go into a high-level description of the website. finally, ill tackle my motivations.

soooo first of all, id like to thank the following people:

  • Ezri Zhu - ezri gave me the original inspiration to make a personal website. they also helped me with a ton of technical stuff in general, so i owe them a lot. \

  • Gabriel Talbert Burnt - gabe also helped me with a ton of technical stuff. his website is also really cool, so it inspired me as well.

  • Jackey Yang - jackey is a super insane front end developer and regularly inspires me to code.

  • Dhruv Prasanna - dhruv is an amazing friend and basically taught me machine learning from the down up. i heavily look up to him for his well-rounded technical skills.

of course, theres so many more people that have helped me and inspired me along the way. i only listed a few here that were super relevant to the development of this website. now, lets talk about the website itself.

this website is run using nextjs and tailwindcss, while the blog uses mdx (essentially markdown with html). i wanted to make a website that was super easy to update and maintain, so i chose to use a static site generator. im planning to deploy this website using vercel, but thats yet to be decided. some people might say that this is super unnecessary, and...they are right. the main reason i chose nextjs over some more lightweight framework is because i want to learn nextjs in particular at this moment in time.

throughout the development of this website, i may add some janky things (to be determined). i might also change the look and feel, since im not a designer and i dont know what im doing. right now, the text might not be square and the colors might be off. i will figure that out as i go.

finally, lets talk about my motivations. i wanted to make a website that was a bit more personal than my github profile (and less cluttered). i wanted to have a place where i could write about my thoughts and experiences in a more informal way. i also wanted to have a place where i could showcase some of my projects and experiences. i think that this website will be a great way to do that.

only time will tell how this changes now. peace out.

p.s.: i write in lowercase because im "chill like that" or something. idk. i stole it from


. i will only use uppercase when i refer to people or companies (or when i feel like it lol).